
Changing the Past: Re-Negotiating Your Utility Bills

Sometimes you can change the past.  I’m not talking about making things right with your ex so that somehow you can be together again; this is a financial blog, remember?  I’m talking about re-negotiating those long-term contracts that you currently have with companies.  In this post I’ll discuss the specifics behind savings hundreds of dollars per year on your cable or satellite TV bill.  This strategy has worked for several people, including myself, so listen up!

Saving on your Cable or Satellite Bill

Full instructions on how to cash in on this deal can be found in this SlickDeals thread, and all credit belongs to the original poster there.  It is specifically for Comcast customers, but the process is essentially the same for any provider, be it for cable or satellite.  Obviously, your results may vary.  Here is a quick summary of how it goes down:

  1. Call or enter a chat conversation with your TV company (see below for reference numbers)
  2. Tell them you are thinking of canceling your service, citing the competitor’s cheaper prices as the reason behind your decision
  3. Never ask directly for promotions; their chats are monitored and they will get in trouble if they offer something to you for free
  4. Talk about the economy and the high price of your bill
  5. Don’t be overly aggressive; they will help you if they see you are in danger of switching to a competitor

According to the Slickdeals thread above, the representatives take a hit on their record when they do a cancellation, so they will do whatever it takes to keep you as a customer.  I myself originally had a promotional price for my Cable & Internet bundle with Comcast that would last for 12 months.  I spoke to a rep, plead my case, and he made that promotional price permanent.  That adds up to $30 of savings per month $360 per year— that I capitalized on from a 15 minute chat conversation.  It sounds like something right out of a Geico commercial, but it’s true.

You might get away with free HBO, a free DVR, or you might walk away empty handed, but there is no risk in trying!  If they call your bluff, just say you’re still thinking about it and you’ll get back to them.  It’s fast, quick, and easy.  Seriously, give it a try.  Feel free to leave a comment about your own success story afterwards!

Reference Information for the Largest Cable & Satellite TV Providers:

To help save you time, I have compiled a list of the largest cable & satellite TV providers’ contact information.  Hopefully you fall into one of these buckets.


  • Comcast Cable Communications: Live Chat / Phone: 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)
  • Time Warner Cable: No chat / Phone: Go to Time Warner’s Contact Page and enter your region to get specific phone numbers
  • Cox Communications: Live Chat / Phone: G to the Cox Contact Page and enter your region to get specific phone numbers


  • Dish Network: In order to get to their Live Chat, you must first go through the Dish Network portal and use the “ASKDISH now” option / Phone: 1-888-284-7116
  • DirecTV: No chat / 1-800-494-4388

Good Luck!  Don’t forget to post your success story in the comments section!

And here it is, your BudgeX Bargain: FREE Essential Cotton Panty from Express.  Look sexy while you save!

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