
Finding Money in Strange Places

As a child, were you the one who used to keep an empty water cooler jug in your room and fill it with spare change all the time?  What about the kid who always searched underneath the couch seats for Dad’s lost coins?  If you came across a coin on the sidewalk, would you stop to pick it up?

We’ve all had our share of joy when we find money in strange places.  So tell me: where is the strangest place  you have ever found money before? Leave your comment below for everyone to enjoy.  I’ll start: my college roommate and I once found two $100 bills stapled together in a grocery store parking lot.  We don’t know why they were stapled, who they belonged to, but it we definitely had an interesting time trying to figure out what to do with it.

Your turn!

Your BudgeX Bargain: Free Basil seed from TomatoHeirlooms.com.  This will go great for your new Home Garden!

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