
Make Me a Sandwich! — Eating Home-Cooked Meals

Here’s another simple practice to getting closer to achieving complete financial discipline: eat out as little as possible.  The first sentence of this article on how to save money eating out explains this strategy pretty clearly, stating, “First the obvious, don’t do it.”  You may be tempted to go and get a $5 footlong from Subway for lunch (such a catchy tune), but instead make a sandwich at home and pocket the extra cash.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

The guy on the $100 bill said that, so he knows what he’s talking about.  Saving a few dollars per day by adhering to this method can really add up when you look at your annual budget.  This is not rocket science, nor is it a revolutionary piece of advice.  But it does work.  Many people have experimented and documented their expenses while eating out versus staying at home and cooking their own meals.  In fact, this article on eating out vs. staying in even ventures so far as to say that in addition to money,  cooking your own food saves time as well.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but have you ever taken the challenge of not eating out?  If you are willing, you can try it for yourself: make your own food for two weeks and document your time and expenses during that time.  The folowing two weeks, eat out every day, again documenting everything.  See what you come up with.  Which method was cheaper?  Which method was more convenient?  Hopefully it’s not something you have to see to believe.

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